Tuesday, May 18, 2010

More Videos

I guess you can't just tape one child. They see the camera on Nate, and they want to be taped as well.

Will's favorite song right now is "Our God is an awesome God" - He is pretty monotone.... haha, don't think a singing career is in his future, but he is making a joyful noise for sure! :)

Abby's favorite song right now is "Jesus is the rock of my salvation".
If you don't know the words to that song, you may not understand what she is saying....

I pray the meaning of these songs sinks in at some point !

Look Who's Walking Now

Nate started taking steps on his first birthday :). Wow, one of the milestones I can actually remember since it was on his birthday. Here are a couple quick videos of him walking. He is getting more and more confident and takes up to 10 steps on his own. Uh-oh - I'm in for trouble!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A whole year already????

A whole lot of pictures of my Natey boy's 1st birthday! Yes, I do call him Natey a lot or Nater... I'm not sure he'll like that when he's a teenager, but for now he doesn't know any different.

I can't believe my last baby is now 1! I get teary-eyed thinking that just last year he was born and so tiny and sweet...... well, he's still sweet - but not tiny anymore. The morning of his b-day we went and watched Will's t-ball game until Nate got too cranky and I brought him home for a nap. After naps, we went to eat at our favorite pizza place with the kids and Nanna and Pappa. We came home and he opened his gifts and ate cake for the first time!

This gift is a hand-me-down from Abby. He loved it :)!

He also enjoyed playing with his water table, with no water in it yet!

Nanna and Pappa got him this cute baseball set that he had so much fun banging on.

Nanna, Pappa, and the kiddos.

Nate's baseball cake.

What am I supposed to do???

He got the hang of it pretty quickly.

Will and Abby wanted nothing to do with their 1st b-day cakes, so I figured Nate would be the same way. I plopped a HUGE piece of cake in front of him and it was gone in no time. He ate the ENTIRE piece and loved it!

Dig in!

Posing with his birthday shirt on.

My handsome man.

There is not a day that goes by where he doesn't get dirty, so I'm guessing his days are filled with happiness!

Ready to play football.

Happy Birthday Natey!

On Mother's Day we had the privileged to dedicate Nate to Jesus at church. I was completely emotional about it too. I think because it was on Mother's Day, because it was my baby, and because my family wasn't able to be there to support us. I would have loved to have my mom there too for my last one being dedicated. I held back the tears up on stage, but let it out for my hubby on the way home :)!
It was a nice dedication and we were thankful we did have Josh's parent's there to celebrate with us too!

We had to keep putting Nate's paci in because he was babbling SO loud! I think he was praising God :)!! I am so thankful for Nate and that God has entrusted me to care for him and teach him the Lord's ways!

Monday, May 10, 2010


This is Will's first year of TBball! He LOVES it! He wakes up early from naps when he knows its either a day for practice or a game. He has only had 2 games so far and they were only 2 innings long :). I love to watch him play. He is so focused for a 4 year old!

Will is #2. That is Josh standing next to him getting him ready to bat. Josh and his brother Jason are the coaches.
I love that Will gets to share this experience with his daddy!

His cousin is also on his team and is hitting in this picture.

Shaking hands at the end of the game. They are all so little and cute in their uniforms.

Will practicing his catching and throwing with his cousin.

They give you three pitches and then let you hit off of the T. Will hasn't gotten a hit yet without having to use the T, but he doesn't seem to be bothered by that. When he practices at home, he hits it from being pitched to, almost every time. So I wonder why he doesn't get it in the games... maybe he gets nervous like I do??

He's a pretty fast runner.

My little sidekicks at the game. Abby is all over the place and watches the game for like 2 seconds.

Nate gets to watch the games and see his cousins too!

Just a random picture of Will. He loves to pick dandelions and loves to pose for the camera right now! What a fun stage in life watching my children grow and watching Will start playing sports!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The rest of April

Blog Slacking AGAIN! These are a few of the things that have gone on the rest of the month of April.

I got a new camera (Mother's Day and my birthday - EARLY) and so I've just been trying to figure it out and learn it. Some pictures are blury and some are just random pictures that I am learning on! And that picture of Abby is one of them! Silly girl.

Our first flower from our trees we bought last year. Last year they did not bloom and so we were excited to see them flourish and grown this spring.

We had digging going on for a concrete slab for a "one-day" garage.

Climbing the dirt pile.

Nate likes the digging and the rocks!

There is the pouring of the concrete.... Will watched them do this for a WHILE, even though it was bitter cold out.

Cookie making with daddy. This happens alot around here. :)

Thanks Aunt Melissa for the cool car cookie cutters and edible paints.

The kids loved decorating them.

They were both very focused!

Will's finished creation.

Abbys finished creation....a little scary looking!

Lots of flips...

lots of jumping...

and lots of kisses!

Nate is into everything and always climbing!

I can't get enough of his sweet smiles.

Bubbles are a favorite around here as well.

(even when they are being blown in your face by your siblings)

Strawberries are their favorite food right now..all 3 of them.

daddy's done some fishin'...but thats nothing new either.

as big as abby!

There is an update of April.... and May will follow shortly :)!